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Thursday, June 23, 2011

LTI Summary of Emory Authorities Processing

I have checked our records for Emory's use of Authority Update Processing, which goes back to 1994.   We have never received a new bibliographic file from the library.  

While I was looking, I decided to put together a summary of the authority control we've done for the library.  In March 1994, LTI authorized 1,063,118 records for the library.  Subsequent batch processing was performed as follows:

June 1994:                     29,015 records
February 1995:     221,823 records (Marcive gov docs)
March 1995:                    20,049 records
July 1996:                     36,331 records
March 2005:                 126,209 records (EEBO)
Total batch:             1,496,545 records

Additionally, I find that from 1995 through April 1998, the library processed 219,378 records through Authority Express, and another 1,379,813 records from May 1998 through May 2011.  Total AEX: 1,599,191.  All records in AEX files were added to the "base" file of records retained from earlier processing.  

Total number of records processed by LTI through 6/3/11:  3,095,736.  

Jeff Sowder: Note that Emory's weekly AEX service is matching LCAF records with a base bib file from Emory Libraries which is 17 years old! We are getting 'errors' on headings that no longer exist in our current database. 

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