Post Your Questions for Acquisitions and Cataloging on this blog.

The staff in AMS (Acquisitions & Metadata Services) are here to answer your questions and make appropriate changes to our processes and procedures based on trends we identify by tracking and analyzing requests coming to us from you, our customers.

Post your questions for Acquisitions and Cataloging here. We will use comments on your post to follow up with our responses and to continue communication on your original post.

This works like a listserv in terms of keeping all discussion on one topic together but we have much more visibility and flexibility and access to customer data by using this blog format instead of a listserv.

Click on How-to Information under Labels in the bottom-right sidebar to learn how to add a label to your post. It's easy and will make sure your post is categorized for tracking. This helps us assess our service and identify areas to improve.
Thank you for being a great customer.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cataloging Process Questions

If you have questions about policies and/or procedures followed by the Cataloging staff, please label your post as follows: Cataloging Process.

Acquisitions Process Questions

If you have questions about policies and/or procedures followed by the Acquisitions unit, please label your post as follows: Acquisitions Process.

Vendor Product Questions

If you have any questions about vendor products such as bibliographic loads from OCLC Promptcat, Marcive, YBP, or vendor software such as GOBI, please label your post as follows:
Vendor Product

Request Item from Backlog

Please label requests for uncataloged items in the Backlog as follows: Backlog Request
Please supply title or any other pertinent information to help us locate the item for you.

Rush Catalog Requests

Please label all rush cataloging requests as: Rush Catalog

Rush Order Requests

Please label all rush order requests as follows: Rush Order

Binding questions

Please label all questions related to binding as Bindery

How to Label Your Post

Click New Post to create your post. You get a blank template to input a title and your question in a text box. In the bottom right corner is another text box for Labels. Type the appropriate label for your question and click Publish Post. That's all there is to it. We do the rest when we respond to your questions.

Location change

Use this label for posts related to location changes

Cataloging Fix

Use this Label for your post when reporting errors in bibliographic records. For changes to call numbers use the label, Classification Change

Check Order Status

Use this label on your post regarding order status

New way to communicate

Post your questions for Acquisitions and Cataloging here. We will use comments on your post to follow up with our responses and to continue communication on your original post. This works like a listserv in terms of keeping all discussion on one topic together but we have much more visibility and flexibility and access to customer data by using this blog format instead of a listserv.

Let's get started